Corporate Policies ReleWant

ReleWant is customer-oriented and pursues continuous improvement in its business processes, support and products/services.

To this end, ReleWant undertakes:

  • Providing high quality services, in the required time and at an optimal cost: our goal is to distinguish ourselves from other market players for the professionalism with which we provide our services.
  • Identify the needs and expectations of all “stakeholders” so that we can fully meet them: we devote much of our time to caring for the relationship with our customers and stakeholders to be able to perceive and, If possible, anticipate any new needs, proposing us as a partner for our customers.
  • Plan and implement all actions necessary to manage non-compliances, addressing both risks and opportunities, in order to achieve the best results.


ReleWant considers data security as an integral part of its business and

as a strategic commitment to the wider aims of society.

In particular, the organisational activity is the key around which ReleWant has designed its information management system.

In our business context it is crucial for ReleWant to respond appropriately to information security objectives and manage risk properly.

To this end, ReleWant undertakes:

  • To comply, in the performance of professional activities, with the safety requirements that result from the project specifications, contractual agreements and, where applicable depending on the scope of the specific project and the criticality of the same, the requirements defined by Customer’s reference standards.
  • To plan, implement, control and improve the provision of services, for which the company management is responsible for coordinating and managing them; therefore, it ensures the availability of the necessary resources.
  • To ensure, in the management and execution of any project/service, regardless of its type, the respect of the principles underlying information security.
  • To define and apply a methodology for the analysis and assessment of risks related to the core business, in order to identify threats and vulnerabilities of its information management system and implement appropriate countermeasures.
  • To ensure that the information management system involves the entire company organization from the employer to the individual/ worker/ woman, according to their responsibilities and competences; To this end, workers/ers will be sensitised and trained to carry out their tasks safely and to assume their responsibilities in this respect.
  • To plan the activities of the company, especially those related to external clients, by defining in advance general and specific security plans for each individual client.
  • To support business processes with appropriate tools and, where possible, certificates, to ensure compliance with key requirements such as access logs, information segregation and data encryption in a structured manner.
  • To promote continuous improvement of safety and prevention through monitoring activities in line with the information management system.
  • To provide, in agreements with third parties, security requirements through contractual clauses designed to guarantee the integrity, availability and confidentiality and non-disclosure of company information, in the interest of ReleWant itself and its customers.
  • To review the security policy and information management system on a regular basis, at least once a year, and in the event of significant changes with regard to information security.
  • To define and disseminate corporate objectives and their implementation programmes. To raise awareness of information security issues among the company’s staff through specific internal training courses aimed at all members of the corporate population without discrimination, at least annually, or in the case of significant updates to corporate policies and procedures regarding the information management system.


ReleWant believes that information security is a critical success factor both in the design and development of technological solutions and in the delivery of services. For ReleWant, the primary objective of information security management is to protect data and information in order to safeguard the wealth of company knowledge, the protection of its customers and the protection of the individuals concerned. For the characteristics of the services ReleWant offers to its customers and for the value that information represents in its business, the Information Security Policy is a fundamental and priority strategic direction.

The Information Security Policy defines and organizes the confidentiality of information, IT integrity and manages all related aspects, from technical to management and business, including data confidentiality and availability. The ReleWant information security policy consists of a set of activities that include: identification of critical areas, management of risks, systems and network, vulnerabilities and incidents, access control, Privacy and compliance management, damage assessment and all other aspects that may impact information security management.

All persons working and/or collaborating with ReleWant are committed to the following principles:

  • Confidentiality: to ensure that information is only accessible to duly authorised persons and/or processes, and that information is not made available or disclosed to unauthorised persons or entities;
  • Integrity: to safeguard the consistency of information from unauthorized changes and ensure that the information is not modified or deleted as a result of errors or deliberate actions, but also as a result of malfunctions or damage to technological systems;
  • Availability: to ensure that authorized users have access to information and associated architectural elements when they request it, and therefore safeguard the information heritage in ensuring data access, usability and confidentiality, Reducing the risks associated with accessing information (intrusion, data theft, etc.);
  • Control: to ensure that data management is always done through safe and tested processes and tools;
  • Authenticity: to ensure reliable provenance of information;
  • Privacy: to ensure the protection and control of personal data.


ReleWant pursues and supports the respect of human rights and considers the protection of the integrity, health, rights and well-being of its/its employees, the environment, as a primary and fundamental element in the exercise and development of its activities.

ReleWant is committed to:

  • To govern its activities in the field of health, safety and labour rights in accordance with the highest international standards, Committed to providing safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injuries and diseases appropriate to the purpose, the size and context of ReleWant and the specific nature of its risks and opportunities for health and safety in the workplace;
  • Communicate and disseminate information on health, safety, labour rights and the environment to internal and external “stakeholders”;
  • Protect the environment by assessing risks and reducing the environmental impact of its products and services throughout their life cycle;
  • Identify and monitor aspects that may have an impact on the environment (water discharges, depleted batteries, radio-electric radiation, obsolete equipment);
  • Research all the causes that determine a possible improper use of material resources made available (paper, water, electricity, energy, pc, telephones, internet key…), optimizing their consumption and favoring the recycling where possible;
  • Not using or supporting the use of child labour and forced labour;
  • Guarantee equal opportunities and freedom of association, promoting the development of each individual;
  • Oppose the use of corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion, verbal abuse;
  • Comply with working time laws and standards and ensure that wages are sufficient to meet the basic needs of staff;
  • Establish and maintain the necessary procedures to assess and select suppliers and sub-contractors on the basis of their level of social, environmental and inclusiveness;
  • Not to tolerate any form of corruption in any way, in any jurisdiction, even where such activities are in practice permitted, tolerated or not prosecuted;
  • Involve all levels of ReleWant by ensuring that responsibilities and operating procedures are clearly defined, appropriately communicated and clearly understood and promote communication and training to all stakeholders;
  • Continuously and consistently improve the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of management systems, retaining documented information as evidence of continuous improvement;
  • Comply with the applicable legal requirements and other requirements that ReleWant subscribes, which concern its own environmental aspects and related to safety in the workplace.

ReleWant’s sustainable development strategies include a commitment to the continuous improvement of the environmental, health and safety aspects of its activities.

gender equality

ReleWant promotes equal opportunities for men and women by enhancing diversity and inclusion through the adoption of organisational and management mechanisms based on transparency, understanding, reconciliation of private life with work, Overcoming all stereotypes and respecting one’s own resources.

ReleWant is committed to:

  • Be impartial, identify and eliminate inequalities and offer equal professional opportunities through performance assessment, training and career sharing;
  • Implement specific action plans to promote inclusion, define a development strategy and processes, and manage human resources;
  • Promote awareness of resources on the themes of Diversity and Inclusion;
  • Inform all levels of ReleWant leadership models based on inclusion and awareness of the relevance of inequalities;
  • Define a system of guidelines to ensure a transparent, inclusive and well-being-based working environment;
  • Promote work-life balance with initiatives including on mobility and flexibility;
  • Allow resources to express their views freely;
  • Develop specific programmes for parental leave and care of frail family members (elderly, disabled, sick, etc.);
  • Ensure constant attention to the use of a kind and neutral language, in the processing of documents and written and verbal communications;
  • Identify and then meet the needs and expectations of all “stakeholders”.

social responsibility

ReleWant is committed to respecting and following the government directives issued by the State Bodies in any situation of difficulty, Identifying solutions and attitudes to minimize the negative aspects and overcome critical issues with determination and civic and human commitment. 

ReleWant is committed to the continuous improvement of its corporate policies and programmes and to implement procedures, Rules and instructions to ensure that the values expressed in this policy are reflected in the behavior of each employee and company employee/ woman, as well as ensuring their training over time.

This document is distributed to all corporate figures and made public online on ReleWant’s websites.

ReleWant’s activities are inspired by the Code of Ethics.